Tuesday 8 February 2011

Life Does Get In The Way, Doesn't It?

Hi Everyone

Well not as much to report as I'd hoped. Work has kept me on the move recently with no time to code - I have been using the downtime in hotels and airports to sketch and plan however so work on the AOP is ongoing.

In addition our figure has a face now.

Its slow but it IS progressing.

PLUS Pier Solar has arrived.

ALL the Best,


  1. What is Pier Solar?

  2. Pier SOlar is a homebrew RPG for the Sega Genesis/MegaDrive which was coded by a very talented team know as Water Melon.

    If you follow my link on the left it will take you to their webpage.

    Have say - HUGELY impressed so far.

  3. Any progress on this project? Has been quiet lately. Demo looks awesome! Wish you great success!!

  4. Felyx from France15 May 2011 at 08:05


    Cool to read that AOP is not abandonned. I really like the idea of a cartridge game and extras on CD.

    We support you to keep going
